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Webshop-Terms of Use
Welcome to the website and online shop of


hereinafter referred to as "REMA”

1. Scope of application, definitions
For the use of the online shop as well as for orders placed in the online shop, the following terms of use as well as the general GTC of REMA (hereinafter "REMA GTC") in the version that is valid at the time of the order shall apply exclusively. Deviating conditions of the customer or ancillary agreements - including amendments to these Terms of Use or the REMA GTC - shall only be valid if they have been agreed in writing.
In the event of a dispute between these Terms of Use, the REMA GTC and any terms and conditions of the customer accepted in writing, the following provisions shall take precedence in the following order:
written subsidiary agreements
these Terms of Use;
the customer’s conditions.

2. Order process 
All offers in the online shop are subject to change. The order of a REMA product shall be regarded as an offer to conclude a purchase contract with REMA in accordance with these Terms of Use and the REMA GTC.
The customer can select products from the REMA product range and collect them in a so-called shopping basket by clicking on the "add to shopping basket" button. Before the final order confirmation, the customer receives an overview of the products in their shopping basket, which can still be changed. By clicking on the "Confirm order" button, the customer submits a binding order to purchase the products collected in their shopping basket. The order implies the acceptance of these Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the REMA GTC, which the customer confirms by ticking the relevant box.
REMA will then send the customer an automatic acknowledgement of receipt by e-mail, in which the customer's order is listed again and which the customer can print out via the "Print" function. The automatic acknowledgement of receipt merely documents that the customer's order has been received by REMA and does not constitute an acceptance of the order. The contract shall only be concluded upon REMA's submission of the declaration of acceptance, which shall be sent with a separate e-mail (order confirmation).

3. Delivery, availability of goods, delivery
If the product selected by the customer is not available at the time of the customer's order, REMA will immediately inform the customer of this in their order confirmation. If the product is permanently unavailable, REMA will refrain from issuing a declaration of acceptance. In this case, a contract will not be concluded.
If the product designated by the customer in the order is only temporarily unavailable, REMA will also inform the customer of this immediately in the order confirmation. In the event of a delivery delay of more than two weeks, the customer will be entitled to withdraw from the contract. In this case REMA will also be entitled to withdraw from the contract. If this happens, REMA will immediately reimburse any payments already made by the customer.

4. Terms of payment, prices, payment/delivery modes
All prices indicated on the REMA website are inclusive of  VAT in the countries of origin (if applicable).
Unless the contracting parties expressly agree otherwise in writing, the terms of payment agreed between the customer and REMA for the conclusion of the contract outside the online shop shall apply, including any obligation to provide collateral. If no such provision has been made between the parties, the delivery of the products shall only take place after receipt of payment of the invoice amount.
Paragraph 2 applies mutatis mutandis to the place of delivery and the payment of transport costs. Delivery shall be made to the delivery address specified by the customer in its registration. If no such provision has been made between the parties, delivery shall be made as follows:

for a commercial account Ex Works Factory of Origin (Incoterms 2010); and

5. Final provisions
These Terms of Use are governed by Brazilian law.
The exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with these Terms of Use is, to the extent permitted by law, Brazil, Court of Justice of state of São Paulo
If any provision of these Terms of Use is or becomes invalid, void, or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected. In such a case, the parties shall agree on a valid and enforceable provision that comes as close as possible in economic terms to the invalid, void, or unenforceable provision.